Climate, Culture, Community & Development Committee
3CD Agenda
The next meetings are as yet to be scheduled
3CD Minutes
24-03-11 Postponed
24-01-08 Postponed
23-11-13 Postponed
23-09-11 Deferred
23-01-11 No Meeting
The council has committees which carry out specific areas of the council's work of which the Climate, Culture, Communities and Development is the newest and combines the work that several working groups had been carrying out. This committee's main considerations include:
Following the council's declarations of a Climate Emergency, one of the tasks of this committee is to consider what impacts the council's current activities have on the climate and environment, and how they could be mitigated. They are also tasked with developing a Climate Emergency and Environmental Plan for the Council, to consider Green Space provision across the parish and to promote and encourage positive climate and environmental activities and behaviour across the parish.
To initiate or promote new council projects to promote and provide a diverse range of cultural and heritage activities and appreciation across the parish, promote awareness of the historic/heritage assets in Kessingland, research and make recommendations to Kessingland Parish Council in respect of any specific heritage assets and identify any building or village asset that can be designated a non-heritage asset as determined by The National Planning Policy Framework.
To develop the Council’s Hidden Needs Forum and work with village organisations building stronger links and networks; local, county, regional and national organisation and other councils to develop provision of Hidden Needs information and services for the benefit of the community of Kessingland.
To develop and cost a rolling, five-year plan for village improvements in consultation with the local community and consider, assess and make recommendations on future development opportunities for the Council as well as national, regional and local developments and policies which may affect the council.
The members of this committee are: Cllr Chris Cook, Cllr Julie McLean, Cllr Bob Saunders .
To read the Terms of Reference of the committee please click here.
The minutes and agendas for the 3CD committee meetings are listed in the box to the left, clicking on the individual date will open the minutes for you. Only the Agenda for the next meeting is displayed.
Copies of minutes on this website do not have the Chairs signature on them in order that their signatures can not be used for improper purposes. If you wish to see a signed copy of the minutes, these are available at the council office.