Annual Meeting of the Parish 2024
Please note that the Annual Meeting of the Parish will take place on Friday 5th April 2024 at 7.00pm in the communal area at Marram Green, Hall Road, Kessingland, NR33 7AH. Although organised by the parish council this is a meeting for all the electorate of Kessingland and not a parish council meeting. This meeting is your chance to have your say and raise matters about Kessingland and to hear from individuals and organisations who are involved in the community locally and ask them questions. This includes:
Peter Aldous MP
Councillor Letitia Smith (East Suffolk District Council, district councillor for Kessingland)
Councillor Michael Ladd (Suffolk County Council)
Chair and members of Kessingland Parish Council
Kessingland Benefice
Kessingland Sports & Social Club
Kessingland Methodist Church
Kessingland Women's Institute
Gemma Fraser, Community Engagement Officer, East Suffolk Council
Kessingland Men's Shed
As this is a meeting of the Kessingland electorate attendees from outside of the village are unable to contribute to the meeting unless they have been invited as a guest speaker. Guest speakers are invited so that the community has a chance to ask questions of them on the basis of the work that they do for Kessingland. This meeting is a positive chance to discuss real concerns and successes however it should not be used as an opportunity to raise personal concerns or allegations about individuals or organisations within or involved within Kessingland.
We look forward to welcoming you on the evening.