Laurel Farm Development - Badger Builders
There is no update on the development. As soon as a planning application has been submitted, people in the village will be notified.
Badger Builders are progressing a planning application submission to East Suffolk Council for a residential development on the east of London Rd, on the northern edge of the village on Laurel Farm South, East & West in Kessingland. Some residents will have received a leaflet regarding the development and there is a link to that on here along with a copy of the current layout and some images of style of houses.
Badger Builders will be holding a open consultation on Tuesday 12th July in the Spinnaker Room at Marram Green between 1pm and 8pm and this will be residents first chance to find out more details and ask questions of the developers.
The development has a proposed timeline which is initial consultation and the intention is for the Planning Application to be submitted in December with hope that the planning permission coould be granted around April 2023 with ground works starting in March 2024 and the first coompletion in Spring 2025.
Some villagers will remember that in 2017 Kessingland voted in a Neighbourhood Plan which covers this development amongst other planning matters involving the village. This plan along with East Suffolk's Waveney Local Plan are two of the key planning documents that will influence this development.
Please click on the links below to see the relevent documents.
Badger Builders Information Sheet
Badger Builders Image of London Road Frontage
Badger Builders Development Image
Kessingland Neighbourhood Plan
The council realises that this will be a major talking issue for the village and welcomes Badger's public consultation as the start of the process. Kessingland Parish Council is given input to the planning process as a consultee. As this will be a major development in the village, the whole council will consider the planning application when it comes before the council. For this reason neither councillors or the council are able to make any decisions on whether to recommend or oppose the application prior to the application coming before the council. That does not mean that the council cannot raise matters with Badger Builders which are positive comments or concerns but councillors have to maintain an open mind up until all information is in front of them at the planning meeting.. Councillors will take on board the views of the community but have to consider the application in line with planning policies at national, local and neighbourhood levels when making a decision on planning matters.