This page will provide up to date bus service information along with any other local transport information.
Bus Information.
The 146 Southwold to Norwich Service will start and finish at the Norwich Bus Station from 08/01/2022. This is due to the closure of St Stephens Street in Norwich. Please click on 146 to see the current bus timetable.
To find out real time bus information you can go to: To find information about how to use the real time system go to:
To check bus information for Kessingland please go to:
Alternatively you can go direct to the bus timetables for the two services which connect Kessingland which are the Border Bus 146 service and the First Bus 99 service.
You can also access: for all transport information including the most up to date bus and train information and to plan a journey by public transport.
If you want to know if there are any service changes happening then if you go to: you can find any planned changes. Sometimes it will just show the changes planned for the current month but the updates can sometimes be further forward in time where a longer term impact can be foreseen.
Information on Roads & Transport
You can find out the latest information on roadworks by using this link:
This webpage has links for all Suffolk County Council Roads and Transport pages but also large pushbuttons for the five most used areas of the Roads and Transports site which are:
Roadworks in Suffolk, Temporary Road Closures, Reporting a Highways Issue, Maps of Public Rights of Way & the Blue Badge Scheme.
Anyone can report a Highways Issue and the Highways portal is relatively easy to use. It is map based and you scroll in until you have the location of the issue identified. You can drop a marker on it and go through a menu to record the information step by step. If you can take a photo of the issue then you can upload it when you log the issue. It is useful if you can take a photo of the issue and then one putting it in context with its surroundings (i.e. a photo of a pothole from above is better if you have a photo which helps to identify its location so a road sign, landmark etc).
If you are reporting a pothole then providing details on the size of the pothole is good but unfortunately not many of us go everywhere with a tape measure. If you can use something which you can then measure when you get home it's great but generally you may need to estimate and you won't be in trouble if your estimate is wrong.
Never worry about reporting an issue if someone has already done so. It is still best to report it. If a member of Highways staff has already checked it then they can action the issues together. More reports also shows how much the community is concerned about the issue. Additionally the issue may have become worse since the previous reports were logged.
The parish council will report issues if they are reported to us but we need as much information as you would in order to log the issue. The first key piece of information that we need is a reasonably precise location. Asking us to report a pothole in Church Road leaves us unable to report it whereas if you identify it as in the eastward lane opposite the church we can log the issue close enough that a Highways Officer would be able to locate the issue. If we do report an issue, it carries no more weight than if a member of the public reports it. However, it does go on our log to raise during our quarterly meeting with the SCC Highways Department and Cll Ladd, your county councillor.