Finance & Governance Committee
Next F&G Agenda
F&G Minutes
24-01-24 Meeting postponed
23-10-25 Meeting Postponed
In 2020 the council made the decision to turn some of its working groups into committees in order to make the workings of the council more transparent. The Finance and Governance committee is one of those new committees which is generally referred to as F&G. Although council maintains overall control of the parish council's finances , it has delegated responsibility for day to day financial decisions (within agreed limits) to the F&G committee. This committee deals with approving payments, checking expenditure against the budget, approving grants, developing the annual budget as well as reviewing policies and procedures and then makes recommendation or reports on finance and governance matters to the parish council.
The members of this committee are: Cllr Christine Cook, Cllr Neil Glendinning, Cllr Ian Graham (Vice-Chair), Cllr Alan Green (Chair), Cllr Julie McLean & Cllr Bob Saunders.
If you would like to read the Terms of Reference for this committee please click here.
The minutes and agendas for the Finance & Governance committee meetings are listed in the box to the left, clicking on the individual date will open the minutes for you. Only the Agenda for the next meeting is displayed.
Copies of minutes on this website do not have the Chairs signature on them in order that their signatures can not be used for improper purposes. If you wish to see a signed copy of the minutes, these are available at the Council office.