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Council, Committee & Working Groups

Kessingland Parish Council has a main parish council meeting which happens once a month, apart from August & December.  It is the main governing body of the council but has the authority to delegate matters to committees, sub committees and officers.


The council may also set up 'ad-hoc' working groups to look at specific short term projects.  For example, each year the Finance and Governance Committee set up a Budget Working Group and the 3CD Committee has the Hidden Needs Working Group.  Working groups do not have the same powers as committees or sub-committees, they can only make recommendations to the council which are generally made to the working groups parent committee.  If the parent committee has the delegated authority to approve recommendations from the working group then the committee can make the decision, otherwise it would make a recommendation to Parish Council.


The council has seven committees, which are listed below.  Please click on the committee name to go to the committee page:


Each committee has its own Terms of Reference which details what the committee does, what delegations it has, how often it meets and how many councillors sit on the committee. These can be found under each committee section above.  If you click on the name of the committee in which you are interested, it will take you to the committee's page.


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