The Council's Financial Information
Council Financial Documents
(Please click on the document name to open it.)
Finance Documents 2023-24
KPC Budget & Precept Explanation Leaflet
Community Infrastructure Levy Return 2023
Council Accounts, a guide to your rights
Internal Control statement 2023
Audit Documents 2023-24
2023-24 Annual Governance and Accountability Return
2023-24 Notice of period of Public Rights
2023-24 Notice of conclusion of audit
2023-24 AGAR certificate 2023-24
Audit Documents 2022-23
2022-23 Notice of Conclusion of Audit
2022-23 AGAR (Council Section)
2022-23 AGAR (Internal Auditor Section)
2022-23 AGAR (External Auditor Section)
2022-23 Internal Auditor Report
2022-23 Notice of period of Public Rights
2022-23 Explanation of variances
2022-23 Variances - contents of boxes not visible on PDF
2022-23 Receipts & Payments Summary
2023-23 External Auditor Report
Audit Documents 2021-22
2022 Notice of Conclusion of Audit
2022 Annual Governance & Accountability Return
2021-22 Receipts & Payments Summary
On this page you will find links to the financial information of the council. The council is transparent with regard to its spending as it is parishioners money that it is spending. Only two areas of the finance are generally kept confidential which are individual staff salaries and any contracts which are under negotiation. Staff salaries are available as a total. Any contracts are normally confidential during the negotiation or tendering phase however once awarded any contract and payment is available to the public. ​
The council works to a strict set of Financial Regulations. Each council has its own set however they are all based on the same national guidelines and have some elements which councils are not allowed to amend or remove. Some items in the standard regulations can be amended to reflect the councils structure or working methods. The Financial Regulations are reviewed on an annual basis both nationally and by the council itself. The link to our Financial Regulations is shown in the box to the left.​
Every year the council has to have it's accounts audited. This is a complex process as not only are the accounts themselves audited but all the council's procedures, minutes and policies are looked at by both an "Internal Auditor" and an "External Auditor". The Internal Auditor has to be qualified and is appointed by the council. They review all the accounts and budgets, and look at the website and information in the public domain and then visit and review documentation and record held at the council office and talk to the council staff. The Internal Auditor then produces a full report on their findings with any issues or any recommendations. They also complete a section of the Annual Governance and Accountability Form (AGAR) verifying that the information provided by the council on the form is correct and noting any issues of variances. All of this information is then sent off to the External Auditor who is appointed by the Governement. They then audit the documentation the has been forwarded to them and check on the website and then may contact the council with any questions that they might have before they finalise the audit.​
Links to various council financial documents are in the box to the left. Please note that council papers posted on the website are generally not signed documents for legal reasons however signed copies will be retained by the council and can be viewed on request.